At Siam, we believe in the ministry that Ephesians 4:11-16 makes clear; that the work of the ministry is not primarily done by the leadership of a church, but by the entire community. We wholeheartedly believe that ministry happens both formally and organically. Formal ministry involves organized opportunities for the church body to serve one another, our neighbors, and our world. Organic ministry is when an individual or group of individuals engage in ministry outside of organized events or programs. For instance, taking a meal to a family who just had a newborn or lost a loved one, visiting someone in the hospital, mowing the grass of an elderly member, or serving at a local ministry that we partner with are all examples of organic ministry. Below is a list of a few various ministries, formal and organic, where you can serve in some capacity.
Children’s Ministry: At Siam, we desire to train our children up in the Lord and give them a passion for Jesus Christ. Presently, we offer a Children’s Choir on Sunday evenings from 6-7 p.m. for ages pre-k and up. This ministry gives the children the opportunity to develop musical skills along with creative movement and drama. Team Kids meet on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. Team Kids is a fun ministry for kids that offer many opportunities to do service projects and Bible study. On Sunday morning during our worship gathering, we offer Kid’s Worship for ages 4 to 6th grade. It is a great time to have fun worshipping the Lord and learning about His Word.
Youth Ministry: For our youth, we offer a weekly Bible study on Sunday mornings. Our youth meetings are every Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. They seek to serve at Hale Community Ministry once a month making grocery bags of food for people in the community that may need help with providing food for their families. While we currently have amazing volunteer youth leaders, we are prayerfully seeking a youth pastor to step into this role.

Women’s Ministry: S.H.I.N.E. is the women’s ministry at Siam Baptist Church. Their mission is to Serve God, Help others, Influence our neighborhood, Nurture and mentor, and Encourage one another. There are other various ministries within this group. Some women knit/crochet items for shut-ins, widows, etc. Other women visit the sick, nursing home residents, and the homebound. Also, other women serve and partner with a Women’s Crisis Center in our area. There is always some place to serve.
Adult Choir: The adult choir helps in leading Sunday morning worship, performs various special musical numbers, and presents Christmas and Easter Cantatas. They are always looking to share the talents God has given us. So, if you play an instrument or sing, they would love to find a place for you in our music ministry.
Local, National, and International Ministry: We, as a church, believe and want to live out the command of Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Locally, we partner with the Watauga Baptist Association, ETSU Baptist Collegiate Ministry, Hale Community Ministry, TLC Community Center, along with several others. Nationally, we partner with the Tennessee Baptist Convention and the North American Mission Board. Internationally, we partner with the International Mission Board and Operation Christmas Child. In addition, we have some missionaries/families that we help support and pray for that serve in various missionary capacities.